Space Station Zero!

Hello, fans of the deep, merciless space, where a uncanny, ancient space station is your only sanctuary!

The next “big” game to be played will be Space Station Zero from Snarling Badger Studios. This game offers the possibility to play the campaign as a single player, competing against the challenges of each mission.

Each mission then leads deeper into the story and into the space station.

In order to play this you create a space ship crew, using the models you chose! Yay!

Official cover art of the rulebook.

So at the moment I am printing, building and painting all the miniatures and terrain needed to play an atmospheric campaign. I will record every mission as a video and put them online for you to follow on my hopefully very cinematic (and successful) exploration of the space station.

So stay tuned for this new series of nerdy awesomeness. And to give you a hint of how it may look like, here is a small teaser of some things I already finished. Everything on this photo is 3D printed and painted by me. 🙂

First three members of my science ship crew disembarking from a shuttle.