It all started with the need for more space for 3D printers, other machines, storage of materials and finished products. So I was looking for a workshop-kind-of-situation.
But at some point I came to realize that due to rising rents its not that cheap anymore to find just a room that can be used as a workshop. And that the difference of costs between a workshop hidden somewhere in a cellar and a store with a storefront is not really there anymore.
So now I found a place to have both a workshop room (about ~20m²) and a store (also about ~20m²).

This gives me some more space to even offer some gaming events, workshops that people can attend to, and in general just some kind of “community space”, where people can meet, talk and plan their next project. Also, I can receive potential customers personally to talk with them about their inquiry in pleasant atmosphere while having a drink together.
The address for this new location is:
Dice Per Second 3D Druck
Bahnhofstr. 21c
53604 Bad Honnef
The opening hours are limited (yet) because we still are doing workshops for young people in different youth centres in Bonn.
But we try to open every week at least during those times:
Monday – 12:00-18:00
Wednesday – 10:00-12:00
Saturday – 12:00-18:00
So please feel invited to visit us for browsing the store, playing a game of your choice, a nice chat, talking nerdy stuff or planning your next project!
There will be a weekly time schedule with opening hours and unique events for the coming weeks. Also, individual customer appointments can be arranged with us via email, Whatsapp +49 1578 6873973 and Discord #seele01.
Happy gaming (and shopping)! 😉